
Archive for December, 2015

I don’t know where I’ve been, so I guess I can hardly ask you to know either, right? But if you’ve been wondering at all, I thank you.


I wish I could tell you I’ve been writing a novel. Or busy becoming addicted to exercise. But that would be so not the truth. Though I have been busy. Doing other things. Parenting. Cleaning. Working. My make-up magic.


And yes, I have been writing.


A different type though.


I’ve been writing articles. Copywriting. Which I am finding terribly interesting and incredibly educational.


And strange.


Although they like the way I write. My style. My tone. It has to match the tone of the publication. So, I find myself changing the way I write. My style. My tone. For publication. It’s a new world to me. One that I’m enjoying. In a different way from blogging.


A very different way.


I realize my blog is a blurp. Meaning, I am allowed, here, to spill onto the page. In any flavor. Color. Texture I want. And I’m so, so thankful for that.


But, I am also extremely thankful for the structure, feedback and guidance of copywriting. It’s teaching me so much. And, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to a sense of euphoria in being paid to write. In knowing someone is willing to pay for my writing.


Because they think it’s good enough. After 20 edits, but still…


So, if you’re concerned at all about me going MIA again, or ensuring that my state of euphoria goes uninterrupted, let me know. I can always set up a Hazy PayPal button.


No really. It would be no trouble at all.


And if you don’t want to pay off my mortgage?  Well, I’ll still be here. Because I love this place. Paid off or not, it’s home.










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