
Archive for May, 2013

Hey kids! How do you feel about contests?

I’ve been looking for ways to move forward. I want to sink my teeth into this writing world…sport a bite worse than my bark. I want to make sure I’m a part of ‘it’ and genuinely working towards achieving more than writing a blog post here and there. (Which I absolutely love doing, by the way)

So…I entered a contest; the criteria – flash fiction, open prompt, a minimum of 250 words and a max of 750. A dreamy drool formed at the corners of my mouth as I pondered the possibilities. It was the first time I’d ever entered a writing contest and it was, although nerve-wracking, exhilarating.

I took a previously written (by yours truly) story called “That’s The Spirit”, tweaked it, paid a ten-dollar entry fee and chose to shell out an extra ten for the optional critique. After several minutes of water-gauging, I shouted heave ho, pressed firmly on the send button and…waited.

Apparently it takes a couple of months to read through, critique and judge several hundred stories. Who knew?

I submitted in January and went about my life sipping a cocktail of denial and disregard with a splash of dementia, and of course, the assumption that my story had been fed to the fishies. Until, one fine day, April 18th to be precise, the sails flapped in the wind, we changed course and before I could yell; “Jibe!”  This popped into my box:


You’ve successfully made it through First Round Judging in the WOW! Winter 2013 Flash Fiction Contest. Your entry has officially been given the thumbs-up, and you’re well on your way!”

Whoa. Say what? I was taken completely by surprise. I thought I’d capsized long ago. But, I won’t keep you in suspense. I didn’t win. On May 21st, I received notice that I’d placed as an honorable mention. I’m thrilled with this. I entered to gain experience and something else that’s crucial – feedback. The ten bucks I spent on that critique was invaluable. Through it, I found out that I would’ve placed higher if it weren’t for a handful of technical errors. I scored 5’s on everything, but a 4 in the technical department. These are things that I would’ve thought could be overlooked if my story were good enough. I was wrong.

You don’t win with 4’s. You don’t win with meh. You don’t win with good enough. You require 5’s. You want wow. You need great.

I enjoyed the journey this voyage took me on and I will set sail again, regardless of a calm or cragged sea. After all…

A smooth sea

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A plea, if you will, for critiques and feedback. I rewrote one of my ‘stories’ and I’d like your take on which you like better and most importantly, why. Feel free to leave comments. (Please, please will you leave comments?!) I’m batting my lashes…

Which is better

Good Enough (A)

The powder slowly fell out of the paper envelope into the bowl, reminding me of a dump truck off-loading a pile of sand; only the dust rising from this pour was so sweet, my mouth watered at the scent.

I carefully tore open a second packet, fearful of losing even one of the tiny, tasty granules. Spinning a spoon, I methodically mixed the two flavors together making sure all was evenly dispersed.

The kettle was taking forever. I braided my hair and drew hearts on the windowpane where condensation had formed. I did a few pirouettes and slid back and forth across the sleek kitchen floor, but the kettle still hadn’t boiled.

Unable to wait any longer, I added the slightly more than lukewarm water and stirred away. Growing even more impatient, I added the cold and happily popped the mixture into the fridge.

I did some homework, brushed the dog and painted my fingernails, each one a different color, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I checked and checked again, finally deciding it was good enough.

Quivering almost as much as it was, I brought the heaping bowl up to my room. I’d waited for what felt like an eternity and I was finally about to reap the reward.

But to my surprise, it wasn’t ‘good enough’. In fact, it wasn’t any kind of good at all. It was runny and watery, not firm and wiggly. It was sour and sad, rather than joyful and jolly.

As I sat on my bed slopping the red garble around in the bowl, it didn’t take me long to figure out that greatness never comes from ‘good enough’.

Good Enough (B)

The fine powder drifts out of the paper packet into the massive glass bowl, like dump trucks off-loading piles of sand; only the dust rising from this pour is so sweet, my mouth waters at the exhilarating scent tickling my nose.

I cautiously snip open a second packet, fearful of losing even one of the tiny, tasty granules. Spinning a spoon, I ever so slowly mix the two flavors together; taking great pains to ensure all is evenly dispersed.

But the kettle takes too long.

I braid my hair and draw hearts on the windowpanes where condensation has formed. I do a few pirouettes and slide back and forth across the sleek kitchen floor in my sock-covered feet, but the water still hasn’t come to a boil.

Unable to wait any longer, I add the slightly warmer than lukewarm water to my mix and stir away. Growing even more impatient, I dole out the cold and happily pop the concoction into the fridge.

I doddle over homework, brush the dog and carefully paint my fingernails, each one a different color, but the mixture is never far from my thoughts. I check and check again, impatiently deciding it’s good enough.

Quivering almost as much as it is, I bring the heaping bowl up to my room. I have worked and waited for what, to me, feels like an eternity and at long last, am on the verge of reaping the fragrant reward.

But to my surprise, it isn’t good enough. In fact, it isn’t any kind of good at all. It is runny and watery, not firm and wiggly. It’s sour and sad, anything but jubilant or jolly.

And as I sit on my bed peering at the tangerine-tinged garble in the massive glass bowl, it doesn’t take me long to see that nothing great ever comes from good enough.

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Your guess is as good as mine.

What could possibly keep her from practicing her passion and fortifying her future? She has been in Maui for a week, but that wouldn’t stop her. She’s more motivated than that…isn’t she? She comes from pretty tough stock and I’m sure a touch of wonderful weather and a brilliant blue bay wouldn’t hold her back.

Westin Pool

I know her pretty well and snorkeling, sunning, swimming and a few pretty Pina Coladas could not stand in her in her way.

Maui Beach 1

Pina Colada

But as I flew home with salt on my skin, sun in my heart and memories on my mind, I looked at my family and I knew, Hazy wasn’t stopping, she was simply letting me live.


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